I Like To Move it, Move it!

Looking for something fun and engaging to get your kids moving in the classroom or home? Movement breaks a quite important for our children throughout the day. We tend to forget that these children are sitting for long periods of time in school and we need to engage them in movement. It gets the brain flowing and gives them a much needed break, especially for those children that may need more movement than others! Over time I've collected numerous videos from youtube that has fun, engaging movements for our kids. If you don't have access to youtube in your school, stay tuned for tomorrow's post where I will show you step by step how to save a video from youtube on your flashdrive. You will have easy access to your youtube videos without internet or youtube at all! In the meantime I'm going to share some of these movement videos with you!

One of my favorite movement breaks is by the dance team Koo-Koo Kangaroo! They are so much fun --kids and adults love it. 

Here's one of the kid's favorites: Dinosaur Stomp!

Here's another!

There are lots of others as well! Check them out on youtube!

Here are some other videos for movement that have been effective in the classroom:

And the one that the kids ask for over and over!! 
Beware: this one gets stuck in your head and you will find yourself singing it out loud in locations other than your classroom!!

Hope you enjoy these videos! Let me know if you use them! I'd love to hear some feedback or please share some movement videos that you have that may be great for movement breaks!



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