Do you Dojo?

I discovered Class Dojo about a year ago. If your looking for a new way to manage your class this is a great start. Plus it's FREE!! It requires technology, so you pretty much need a computer, smartboard or an ipad to utilize this. Currently I use this with the 4th grade class. It's a huge incentive to earn "Dojo" points! You can also take points away. I do not take points away--as I try to keep this goal-oriented. If a student has an issue; calling out, I may make that one of the behaviors they earn for by turning it into a positive; I raised my hand to answer a question. The students know that they just won't accumulate points if they choose to do the wrong thing. They definitely do not like that--they can see how others are doing,  it is displayed on the smartboard. Although, when they log in at home, they are only able to see their points.

You can play this video to help explain to the students what class Dojo is. It is on their website as well.

You can access Class Dojo HERE. Or you can download the app on itunes. First you need to register your class. Each student gets their own Avatar that they can change and custom design once they get their own secret code which is generated by the website. It easily creates individual print-outs for each child with instructions for the children to follow at home. This is usually my first incentive. If they earn 10 Dojo points to start, they get to take home their secret code. This gets them very excited. If you choose to keep your volume on, every time you give a point it can makes "Ding" sound.

What's great is that you can custom the goals or behaviors you want each child to get. Each child also gets their own avatar which they can customize at home.


You can also put in multiple groups. If you want the children to earn for their specials or lunch you can add a separate folder for that as well.  You can make groups for centers or group the children in teams for certain areas and let them create their own team name.


It also gives you percentages on how well the class is doing, as well as individual percentages which you can print-out as data! Plus parents can go on each night to see how well their child is progressing as well. If they can't access the site, Class Dojo also allows print-outs on their progress which you can send home.

There is a also a timer feature as well.


I found a few bloggers with some great ideas for Dojo. If you are looking for rewards to give out for points you can look HERE or HERE or HERE......Plus they are free! Erica over at Erica's Ed-Ventures also has a great post on Class Dojo--- plus she also has some great FREEBIES!


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