Behavior Problems.....

There are many behavior problems that can arise in your day. How you deal with these problems is most important in your classroom. Many children have special interests. One thing is to use these interests to your advantage. Here is an example of something that I used to help a child behave better in his gym class. After asking him about his favorite things, I soon found out he had a love for Power Rangers Mega Force. I designed this so he can incrementally earn each Power Ranger based upon how well he behaved in gym class. Most importantly set expectations before rewarding. On the back of his Power Ranger earning sheet, I posted what was expected of him in gym class. His reward here was if he received all 5 Power Rangers on his board for the gym time, he was allowed 5 minutes of iPad time. He was super excited and as he was following the rules I captured pictures of it to show him when it came time to talking to him about his behavior. 

Here you can see he has earned 3 Power Rangers. This was over about a 25 minute time frame. This idea can be used for various different types of special interests, trains, Super Mario brothers, Disney princesses, etc. This is a great incentive not only for the classroom but also for home especially for your child who may have difficulty with homework.

I've included a link to the file in case you can use this for one of your students. CLICK HERE



  1. So true! I once let a student write a play about the civil war including pokemon characters. Other than the pokemon addition, all other facts; people, places, had to be historically accurate. She had quite an imaginative mind and did a great job. Great post Steph xoxo


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