Community Helpers!

I recently wrote a new book in order to enhance the learning of community helpers. Using riddles allows children to use their close reading skills to guess what each community helper is in the description. Children must identify what helper it is and use evidence from the riddle that helped them clue in to what the answer was. You can use this file on your interactive white board and highlight all the clues, key words, sight words etc. You can print this out smaller for use in guided reading groups, or print out and bind the pages together to make a class book.

This book includes eight different community helpers: doctor, teacher, crossing guard, dentist, librarian, chef, construction worker and postal worker. I'm in the process of making book two which will include another set of eight helpers. I will also add to this close reading activities. But for now it is on sale on Teachers Pay Teachers!  


New York City!

We started our social studies unit and have been studying New York City. We looked at pictures of NYC and made connections about what we know. We read  this book on BOOKFLIX as a class.

This sparked up many conversations and questions as well. We turned and talked to our partners to discuss each part of NYC.

We then displayed our learning by constructing our own cities with different shapes of construction paper and wrote in what New York city has and what can you see. The children enjoyed this hands-on activity and were very independent in this task as they we showcasing their new learning! It's important to design and create activities that represent areas of creativity and independence; especially in Kindergarten. It really allows you to see as a teacher what levels the children are working at.

After we finished, we placed all our work on display and did a quick "museum walk" to discuss each others findings. We sat in a circle to discuss what we learned again, to see how much of the information was retained throughout. 


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